Ik zat mij gisteren even te vermaken op SlideShare en kwam het pareltje hieronder tegen. Deze presentatie vertelt exact wat ik in dit artikel wil vertellen, maar dan in sprookjesvorm. En wie is er niet gek op sprookjes?

[slideshare id=3203308&doc=twankers-socialmediaamoderndayfairytale-100216173949-phpapp01]

  1. Hello,

    This is a great big thank you for embedding the slideshow I hope you all enjoy the Fairy Tale. I thought I'd let you know you can also view a video of this and of Twankernomics on YouTube or on our site. I've included the links below, just in case you'd like to see them as well.

    Twankers – Social Media A Fairy Tale Video

    Twankernomics – The Real Social Media Revolution

    Twankers Website

    Thanks again. Like most English people, I can only speak English, so I don't understand a bloody word of the text around the slideshow. But I hope it's nice.

    Tommy Twanker

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